Phase II - Data preparation/engineering

Course: MLOps engineering
Author: Firas Jolha




The second phase of the CRISP-ML process model aims to prepare data for the following modeling phase. Data selection, data cleaning, feature engineering, and data standardization tasks are performed during this phase.

We identify valuable and necessary features for future model training by using either filter methods, wrapper methods, or embedded methods for data selection. Furthermore, we select data by discarding samples that do not satisfy data quality requirements. At this point, we also might tackle the problem of unbalanced classes by applying over-sampling or under-sampling strategies.

The data cleaning task implies that we perform error detection and error correction steps for the available data. Adding unit testing for data will mitigate the risk of error propagation to the next phase. Depending on the machine learning task, we might need to perform feature engineering and data augmentation activities. For example, such methods include one-hot encoding, clustering, or discretization of continuous attributes.

The data standardization task denotes the process of unifying the ML tools’ input data to avoid the risk of erroneous data. Finally, the normalization task will mitigate the risk of bias to features on larger scales. We build data and input data transformation pipelines for data pre-processing and feature creation to ensure the ML application’s reproducibility during this phase.

In the 2nd phase of the project, we will transform the data and prepare it for ML modeling. The objective here is to have automated pipelines which can start extracting the data from the data source till persisting the features in some feature store.

Data preparation is not a static phase and backtracking circles from later phases are necessary if, for example, the modeling phase or the deployment phase reveal erroneous data. So, we need to automate the data preparation pipelines.

The commands and scripts here are written considering by default that the Current Working Directory (CWD) is the project folder path. So ensure that you are there before you run commands. In my PC, I have ~/project folder in my home directory which is the project folder path and it is also the CWD unless the directory is changed using cd.

Docker and Docker compose [Extra section for now]

This section is extra for now but will be mandatory in phase 5 of CRISP-ML.

Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

In simpler words, Docker is a tool that allows to easily deploy the applications in a sandbox (called containers) to run on the host operating system i.e. Linux.

The key benefit of Docker is that it allows users to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development. Unlike virtual machines, containers do not have high overhead and hence enable more efficient usage of the underlying system and resources.

The industry standard today is to use Virtual Machines (VMs) to run software applications. VMs run applications inside a guest Operating System, which runs on virtual hardware powered by the server’s host OS.

VMs are great at providing full process isolation for applications: there are very few ways a problem in the host operating system can affect the software running in the guest operating system, and vice-versa. But this isolation comes at great cost — the computational overhead spent virtualizing hardware for a guest OS to use is substantial.

Containers take a different approach, by leveraging the low-level mechanics of the host operating system, containers provide most of the isolation of virtual machines at a fraction of the computing power.

Install docker and docker compose

The official website has a good tutorial to download and install both tools. I share here some of the tutorials:

After you install the tools, use the docker command to run hello-world container as follows:

docker run hello-world

This command line will download the docker image hello-world for the first time and run a container.

Note: If docker is not running due to restrictions in Russia, then add a mirror to the configuration of the docker daemon (daemon.json). The guide is in this link

Dockerfile definition [extra section]

Dockerfile contains the instructions to build a Docker image.

# Represents the base image, which is the command that is executed first before any other commands.
FROM <ImageName>

# used to copy the file/folders to the image while building the image. 
# Source; is the location of the file/folders in the host  machine
# Destination: is the location of the file/folders in the container
COPY <Source> <Destination>

# does the same as COPY. Additionally it lets you use URL location to download files and unzip files into the image
ADD <URL> <Destination>

# Runs scripts and commands in the container. The execution of RUN commands will take place while you create an image on top of the prior layers (Image). It is used to install packages into container, create folders, etc
RUN <Command + ARGS>

# allows you to set a default command which will be executed only when you run a container without specifying a command. If a Docker container runs with a command, the default command will be ignored, so it can be overridden. There can be only one CMD in the dockerfile. 
CMD [command + args]

# A container that will function as an executable is configured by ENTRYPOINT. When you start the Docker container, a command or script called ENTRYPOINT is executed. It ca not be overridden.The only difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT is CMD can be overridden and ENTRYPOINT can’t.
ENTRYPOINT [command + args]

# identifies the author/owner of the Dockerfile

# sets environment variables inside the container

# defines build-time variable.

# info to expose ports outside the container

# info to create a directory mount point to access and store persistent data
# PATH here is container path

# sets the working directory for the instructions that follow


Here we will create a simple Flask app, dockerize it and push it to Docker hub.

# requirements.txt flask
# from flask import Flask import os app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello(): return "Hello World!" if __name__ == "__main__": port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)), host='', port=port)
# Dockerfile # Base image FROM python:3.8-alpine # Switch to another directory # CWD is /usr/src/app WORKDIR /usr/src/app # Copy the requirements.txt to CWD COPY requirements.txt ./ # Install the dependencies in requirements.txt RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Copy the code and everything in CWD of the host to CWD of the container COPY . . # Make the Docker container executable ENTRYPOINT ["python"] # Specify the default command line argument for the entrypoint CMD [""] # This will be based to the default entry point # CMD [ "python", "./" ]
docker build -t flask_webservice .
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name test_webservice flask_webservice 

The option -p is used to map ports between the host and the container. The option -d is used to detach the shell from the container such that it will run in the background and will not block the shell.

# Stops the container
docker stop <container-id-name>

# Stops the container
docker rm <container-id-name>

# shows all running containers
docker ps
docker run -p 5000:5000 --name test_service -v .:/usr/src/app --rm flask_webservice

A Docker volume is an independent file system entirely managed by Docker and exists as a normal file or directory on the host, where data is persisted.

docker login

Enter the username and password.

docker tag flask_webservice firasj/dummy_flask_service:v1.0
docker push firasj/dummy_flask_service:v1.0

Whenever you made changes, you can build then push another version/tag to Docker hub.

docker exec -i -t test_service bash

If you pass to the previous command instead of bash, then the container will run the python as follows:


If we pass a different application, the container will run the python as follows:


If the docker command asks for sudo permission everytime you use it, run the following:

sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock

This will give permissions to everyone to run docker (could be risky for multi-user environments).

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications.

You can find below some tutorials to learn Docker and Docker compose.
A tutorial to learn Docker
A tutorial to learn Docker compose

You can run Apache Airflow using docker and docker compose. Example on docker and docker compose is below this section.

Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow™ is an open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows. The main characteristic of Airflow workflows is that all workflows are defined in Python code, such that “Workflows as code”. It started in 2014 at Airbnb, and is written in Python.

Airflow is a platform that lets you build and run workflows. A workflow is represented as a DAG (a Directed Acyclic Graph), and contains individual pieces of work called Tasks, arranged with dependencies and “data” flows taken into account. Airflow™ is a batch workflow orchestration platform.

Install Airflow

There are multiple ways to install Aapch Airflow, but here we will demonstrate only pip and Docker mathods.

1. Usingpip

Apache Airflow has no support for Windows platform and we need to find a way to run it using Docker or WSL2. For Linux users. the installation is easier.

Windows user

We will use WSL2 system to run Airflow. You need to install WSL2 with the Ubuntu distro.

This step is important for Windows users as some tools do not support Windows platform such as feast and airflow.

You need to follow the steps below:

  1. Follow this tutorial to install WSL2 and Ubuntu on Windows. Open Ubuntu app (terminal) on your Windows and configure the username and password. This user has sudo permission and root user is not needed.
  2. Install git on Ubuntu if not installed. Clone your project repository to some folder (e.g. ~/project in my PC).
  3. Open the project local repository in VS Code by executing
    code <project-folder-path>
    # OR
    # Example
    cd <project-folder-path>
    code . # if you are already in the project local repository
    This will install the extension for the first time and open the project repo in VS code and you can work there. The commands in the terminal of VS code will be executed on Ubuntu via WSL2.

After that, follow the section Prepare the workspace.

Linux user

For Linux users, nothing special here, they just need to go to set up their workspace from here.

2. Using Docker

The airflow.Dockerfile contains the instructions to build a configured image of Apache Airflow.

# The base image - Use the same version of the package `apache-airflow` that you installed via pip
FROM apache/airflow:2.7.3-python3.11
# FROM apache/airflow:latest-python3.11
# FROM apache/airflow:2.9.2-python3.11
# Why python3.11? the explanation is later below

# Set CWD inside the container
WORKDIR /project
# This will be the project folder inside the container

# Copy requirements file
COPY airflow.requirements.txt .

# Install requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r airflow.requirements.txt --upgrade

# Switch to root user
USER root

# Install some more CLIs
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends vim curl git rsync unzip \
&& apt-get autoremove -y \
&& apt-get clean

# EXPOSE 8080

# Switch to regular user airflow
USER airflow

# Run this command when we start the container
CMD ["airflow", "standalone"]

The following file airflow.docker-compose.yaml contains all instructions needed to spin up a docker container to run Airflow components.

# airflow.docker-compose.yaml

# declare a dict of services

  # Airflow service

    # Container name of thes service
    container_name: "airflow_service"

    # base image
    # image: apache/airflow:latest
    # Build the custom image
      context: .
      dockerfile: airflow.Dockerfile

    # Always restart the container if it stops. 
    # If it's manually stopped, it's restarted 
    # only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted.
    restart: always

    # Env variables to be used inside the container

      # The home directory of Airflow inside the container
      AIRFLOW_HOME : /project/services/airflow
      # The directories of source code and scripts in the project
      # These locations will be added to let airflow see our files
      PYTHONPATH : /project/src:/project/scripts

      # A custom environment variable to our project directory
      PROJECTPATH: /project
    # Allows to create volumes

      # Creates a volume for airflow metadata
      - ./services/airflow:/opt/airflow

      # Creates a volume to store the project in the container
      - .:/project
      # Used to map ports from host to guest (container)
      - 8080:8080

    # Command to run when we start the container
    # We do not need this since we have it in airflow.Dockerfile
    # command: airflow standalone

Run the container

sudo docker-compose -f airflow.docker-compose.yaml up -d --build

You can access the web server in (http://localhost:8080). If the port 8080 is not free, then assign it to another port, for instance (8081:8080).

The default username is admin and the password is randomly generated and stored in ./services/airflow/standalone_admin_password.txt.

Linux gurus
If you used the Docker approach with Linux systems, you may have some issues with access permission to files. Make sure that the UID of the user running the docker commands the same UID inside the docker container. Check this (

In linux systems, you have to create some folders in advance for the volumes you mounted. Check this (


Prepare the workspace [tested on Ubuntu 22.04]

Whether you followed pip or Docker method, you need to set up your workspace to run all required tools properly. The steps are:

1. Install python3.11

Install python3.11 and python3.11-venv on your system (Ubuntu in my case) before running any Airflow component.

sudo apt update

# install Python 3.11
sudo apt install python3.11

# instal Python 3.11 for creating virtual environments
sudo apt install python3.11-venv

We are using Python 3.11 here and not 3.12 or 3.13 since some tools such as zenml do not support Python versions higher than 3.11.

2. Create a new virtual environment using Python 3.11

# Create .venv
python3.11 -m venv .venv

# Activate it
source .venv/bin/activate

# You can deactivate it at anytime
# deactivate

3. Create requirements.txt and install the dependencies.

# requirements.txt

# HERE I added all possible tools that you will probably  use in the project
# tensorflow # If you are Master's student
# torch # If you are Master's student
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

When you want to install a new package, add it to requirements.txt and run the previous commnd again. Do not install packages, one by one as you may face dependency conflicts. In summary, you need to keep all your packages without conflicts.

Important notes:

4. Setup the Airflow components

4.1. Setup Metadata database and Executor

4.1.A. Minimal setup (SequentialExecutor + SQLite)
# Clean it 
# Caution: this will delete everything
airflow db reset

# initialize the metadata database
airflow db init

This minimal setup of Airflow will use SequentialExecutor which runs only a single thread, so you cannot run more than one task at the same time. The database is a lightweight sqlite database. The drawback here is mainly related to the performance and resilience of Airflow components. You may face issues such as connection timeout for database, the scheduler is unhealthy (need to restart it), more waiting time for DAG runs since only one thread is allowed here.

4.1.B. Normal setup (LocalExecutor + PostgreSQL)
sudo apt-get install postgresql

The output:

firasj@Lenovo:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 50 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/3288 B of archives.
After this operation, 71.7 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Selecting previously unselected package postgresql.
(Reading database ... 37631 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../postgresql_14+238_all.deb ...
Unpacking postgresql (14+238) ...
Setting up postgresql (14+238) ...
sudo systemctl start postgresql

The output:

firasj@Lenovo:~$ sudo systemctl start postgresql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE airflow;
postgres=# \du

                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
 firasj    |                                                            | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
postgres=# \q
# 1. Open this file
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

# 2. Add the following line to the end of this file
host all all trust

# 3. Save the change and close it

# 4. Open another file
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

# 5. Add the line as follows


# - Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = '*'

# 6. Save the change and close it
firasj@Lenovo:~$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
# Set home directory of Airflow
export AIRFLOW_HOME=$PWD/services/airflow

# Actiavte the virtual env
source .venv/bin/activate

# Initialize the database
airflow db init

# 1. Go to the file `./services/airflow/airflow.cfg` in VS Code

# 2. Change the executor
executor = LocalExecutor  # line 45 in version 2.7.3

# 3. Change the database connection 
# line 424 in version 2.7.3
sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://firasj:firasj@localhost:5432/airflow
# This connection string has the following format
# postgresql+psycopg2://<db_user>:<db_user_password>@<hostname>:<port_number>/<database_name>
# Clean it 
# Caution: this will delete everything
airflow db reset

# initialize the metadata database
airflow db init

Now you are ready to setup your Airflow components and run them.

4.2. Setup Airflow webserver

# Here we are creating admin user with Admin role
airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --email --firstname admin --lastname admin --password admin

You can check your user from the list as follows:

airflow users list

The webserver will usually load examples of workflows, you can disable that from ./services/airflow/airflow.cfg.

# line 124 in version 2.7.3
load_examples = False

Restart the webserver to see the change if it is already running.

The default port for the Airflow webserver is 8080. You can change from the configuration file ./services/airflow/airflow.cfg.

# line 1320 in version 2.7.3
web_server_port = 8080

Restart the webserver to see the change if it is already running.

4.3. Run Airflow components

# Add the folders which contain source codes where you want Airflow to import them for pipelines
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/src
# You can do this also from the code via appending to sys.path

# REPLACE <project-folder-path> with your project folder path
cd <project-folder-path>
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/src" >> ~/.bashrc

# Run/Load the file content
source ~/.bashrc

# Activate the virtual environment again
source .venv/bin/activate

# Create folders and files for logging the output of components
mkdir -p $AIRFLOW_HOME/logs $AIRFLOW_HOME/dags
echo > $AIRFLOW_HOME/logs/scheduler.log
echo > $AIRFLOW_HOME/logs/triggerer.log
echo > $AIRFLOW_HOME/logs/webserver.log

# Add log files to .gitignore
echo *.log >> $AIRFLOW_HOME/logs/.gitignore
airflow scheduler --daemon --log-file services/airflow/logs/scheduler.log
airflow webserver --daemon --log-file services/airflow/logs/webserver.log
airflow triggerer --daemon --log-file services/airflow/logs/triggerer.log

If you want to kill all Airflow processes/daemons in the background, run as follows:

kill $(ps -ef | grep "airflow" | awk '{print $2}')

You can access the webserver UI in (http://localhost:8080). The password is admin and username is admin if you did not change it when you created the admin user.

Important note: Restart Airflow compnents
If you terminated the Airflow components and want to run them again. Before you start the components again, you should do as follows:

  1. Access the project folder and activate the virtual environment.
  2. Set the AIRFLOW_HOME directory to the folder ./services/airflow (Where PWD is the project folder) only if you did not add it to ~/.bashrc.
    export AIRFLOW_HOME=$PWD/services/airflow
  3. Run the components again.

Note: If you do not do these steps then Airflow will not use the metadata and configs you defined in your airflow path (services/airflow).
Note: If you see such errors in the log of the components, such as in the scheduler

File exists: '/home/firasj/project/services/airflow/'

Then delete the pid file of the component and run it again.


If the DAG is not visible in Airflow UI then, you may see import errors in the top section of the DAGs page in Airflow web UI:

Or (access the Airflow container and) run the command airflow dags list-import-errors. You can run the command airflow dags list to list all dags.

If you got such error:

Try to migrate the metadata database to the latest version as follows:

airflow db migrate

Then try to access the home page of the webserver again.

Hello world workflow

Note: Read the notes above before you build your first DAG.

# pipelines/ from datetime import datetime from airflow import DAG from airflow.decorators import task from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator # A DAG represents a workflow, a collection of tasks # This DAG is scheduled to print 'hello world' every minute starting from 01.01.2022. with DAG(dag_id="hello_world", start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1), schedule="* * * * *") as dag: # Tasks are represented as operators # Use Bash operator to create a Bash task hello = BashOperator(task_id="hello", bash_command="echo hello") # Python task @task() def world(): print("world") # Set dependencies between tasks # First is hello task then world task hello >> world()

In this workflow, we can see two tasks. The first one is defined using operators and the second one is defined usig @task decorator (TaskFlow API).

Core concepts

Data orchestration is an automated process for taking siloed data from multiple storage locations, combining and organizing it, and making it available for analysis.

We will use ZenML as data orchestrator and Airflow as workflow orchestrator.

Airflow components

DAG Scheduling

One of the fundamental features of Apache Airflow is the ability to schedule jobs. Historically, Airflow users scheduled their DAGs by specifying a schedule with a cron expression, a timedelta object, or a preset Airflow schedule. Recent versions of Airflow have added new ways to schedule DAGs, such as data-aware scheduling with datasets.

Scheduling concepts

A DAG run is usually scheduled after its associated data interval has ended, to ensure the run is able to collect all the data within the time period. In other words, a run covering the data period of 2020-01-01 generally does not start to run until 2020-01-01 has ended, i.e. after 2020-01-02 00:00:00.


To demonstrate how these concepts work together, consider a DAG that is scheduled to run every 5 minutes as shown in the image below.

The following is a comparison of the two successive DAG runs:

Why Airflow starts after the data interval?
Airflow was originally developed for extract, transform, and load (ETL) operations with the expectation that data is constantly flowing in from some source and then will be summarized at a regular interval. However, if you want to summarize data from Monday, you need to wait until Tuesday at 12:01 AM. This shortcoming led to the introduction of timetables in Airflow 2.2+. This is an advanced level of scheduling in Airflow and we will not cover it.

For pipelines with straightforward scheduling needs, you can define a schedule (or schedule_interval) in your DAG using:

If your DAG does not need to run on a schedule and will only be triggered manually or externally triggered by another process, you can set schedule=None.

DAG should run idempotent (able to be re-run without changing the results), so do not use for scheduling.

Cron Expressions [Extra section]

  • cron is a basic utility available on Unix-based systems. It enables users to schedule tasks to run periodically at a specified date/time.

  • Cron runs as a daemon process. This means it only needs to be started once and it will keep running in the background.

  • A cron schedule is a simple text file located under /var/spool/cron/crontabs on Linux systems. We cannot edit the crontab files directly, so we need to access it using the crontab command. To open crontab file, we need to run the following command:

    crontab -e
  • Each line in crontab is an entry with an expression and a command to run:

    * * * * * echo hello_cron >> ~/cron_hello.txt
  • The cron expression consists of five fields:

    <minute> <hour> <day-of-month> <month> <day-of-week> <command>

The range of each field is: <minute> (0-59), <hour> (0-23), <day-of-month> (1-31), <month> (1-12), <day-of-week> (0-6).

  • Special Characters in Expression
    • * (all) specifies that event should happen for every time unit. For example, * in the <minute> field means “for every minute”.
    • ? (any) is utilized in the <day-of-month> and <day-of -week> fields to denote the arbitrary value and thus neglect the field value. For example, if we want to run a script at “5th of every month” irrespective of what day of the week falls on that date, we specify a “?” in the <day-of-week> field.
    • - (range) determines the value range. For example, “10-11” in the <hour> field means “10th and 11th hours”.
    • , (values) specifies multiple values. For example, “MON, WED, FRI” in <day-of-week> field means on the days “Monday, Wednesday and Friday”.
    • / (increments) specifies the incremental values. For example, a “5/15” in the <minute> field means at “5, 20, 35 and 50 minutes of an hour”.

Cron expressions are historically used to schedule tasks in Apache Airflow.

You can use the website to check your cron expressions.

Airflow DAG APIs

Apache Airflow provides two APIs for creating DAGs. The legacy API uses operators (airflow.operators) and DAG (airflow.DAG) objects without using decorators. TaskFlow API (airflow.decorators) is the new recommended way to create dags where dags and tasks are written using decorators (@dag and @task).

We can mix those APIs in the same DAG. For instance, you can use TaskFlow API for creating one of the tasks and the traditional API for another task defined both in a DAG which is created using the traditional/new API.

For example, the Hello World Workflow is a DAG created using the traditional API, where the first task is created using traditional API and the second task is created using TaskFlow API.

DAG definition files are python files (.py) but should be stored in a location where Airflow can see it. This location can be determined in airflow.cfg as follows:

# line 7
dags_folder = /home/firasj/project/services/airflow/dags

Steps need to be considered when building a pipeline and writing its DAG definition file:

  1. Declare the DAG function with required parameters.
  2. Declare the task functions with required parameters.
  3. Call the task functions inside the DAG.
  4. Specify the dependency between the tasks.
  5. Call the DAG function.
  6. Check that you set a schedule and start_datefor the DAG.
  7. Check that you set dag_id for the dag and task_id for each task.
  8. Check if you want catchup for past DAG runs.
  9. Go to Airflow web UI to track the workflow/DAG and check if there are import errors.

DAG Examples

We have three common ways to write DAG definition files in Airflow. We can define the DAG using:

1. Traditional API as a variable

# pipelines/

from pendulum import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator

# A DAG represents a workflow, a collection of tasks
# It is a variable
dag = DAG(dag_id="hello_dag1",
          start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),

# Tasks here are created via instantating operators

# You need to pass the dag for all tasks

# Bash task
hello = BashOperator(task_id="hello1", 
                     bash_command="echo hello ", 
                     dag = dag)

def msg():

# Python task
msg = PythonOperator(task_id="msg1", 

# Set dependencies between tasks
hello >> msg

2. Traditional API as a context

# pipelines/

from pendulum import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator

# A DAG represents a workflow, a collection of tasks
# DAG is defined as a context
with DAG(dag_id="hello_dag2",
         start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
         catchup=False) as dag:

    # WE do NOT pass dag here

    hello = BashOperator(task_id="hello2", 
                         bash_command="echo hello ")

    def msg():

    called_msg = PythonOperator(task_id="msg2", 

    # Set dependencies between tasks
    # hello >> msg
    # OR
    # msg.set_upstream(hello)

3. TaskFlow API

# pipelines/

from pendulum import datetime
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from airflow.models.baseoperator import chain

    start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
def print_hello():

    # Tasks here are created via instantating operators
    # Bash task is defined using Traditional API
    # There is a decorator @task.bash in Airflow 2.9+ as a replacement for this
    hello = BashOperator(task_id="hello3", bash_command="echo hello ")
    # Python task is defined sing TaskFlow API
        task_id = "msg31"
    def msg():
        """Prints a message"""
    called_msg = PythonOperator(task_id="msg32", python_callable=msg)

    # Set dependencies between tasks
    # hello >> msg
    # OR
    # hello.set_downstream(msg)
    # OR
    # msg.set_upstream(hello)
    # OR
    chain(hello, msg)

# Call the pipeline since it is defined as a function

Note on bash_command in BashOperator: Add a space after the script name when directly calling a .sh script with the bash_command argument – for example bash_command=" ". This is because Airflow tries to load this file and process it as a Jinja template. Example is here.

P.S. Jinja templating is web template engine and lets you define your own variables inside of a template with the {% set %} block such that you can set them at runtime in a dynamic manner. Jinja Syntax:

{{ ... }} : delimiter for variables or expressions
{% ... %} : delimiter for statements such as if or for
{# ... #} : comment

Templates reference in Airflow is here.

Xcoms [extra section]

# pipelines/

import pendulum

from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

value_1 = [1, 2, 3]
value_2 = {"a": "b"}

def push(ti=None):
    """Pushes an XCom without a specific target"""
    ti.xcom_push(key="value from pusher 1", value=value_1)

def push_by_returning():
    """Pushes an XCom without a specific target, just by returning it"""
    return value_2

def _compare_values(pulled_value, check_value):
    if pulled_value != check_value:
        raise ValueError(f"The two values differ {pulled_value} and {check_value}")

def puller(pulled_value_2, ti=None):
    """Pull all previously pushed XComs and check if the pushed values match the pulled values."""
    pulled_value_1 = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids="push", key="value from pusher 1")

    _compare_values(pulled_value_1, value_1)
    _compare_values(pulled_value_2, value_2)

def pull_value_from_bash_push(ti=None):
    bash_pushed_via_return_value = ti.xcom_pull(key="return_value", task_ids="bash_push")
    bash_manually_pushed_value = ti.xcom_pull(key="manually_pushed_value", task_ids="bash_push")
    print(f"The xcom value pushed by task push via return value is {bash_pushed_via_return_value}")
    print(f"The xcom value pushed by task push manually is {bash_manually_pushed_value}")

with DAG(
    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
) as dag:
    bash_push = BashOperator(
        bash_command='echo "bash_push demo"  && '
        'echo "Manually set xcom value '
        '{{ ti.xcom_push(key="manually_pushed_value", value="manually_pushed_value") }}" && '
        'echo "value_by_return"',

    bash_pull = BashOperator(
        bash_command='echo "bash pull demo" && '
        f'echo "The xcom pushed manually is {XComArg(bash_push, key="manually_pushed_value")}" && '
        f'echo "The returned_value xcom is {XComArg(bash_push)}" && '
        'echo "finished"',

    python_pull_from_bash = pull_value_from_bash_push()

    [bash_pull, python_pull_from_bash] << bash_push

    puller(push_by_returning()) << push()

Python tasks with virtual environments

# pipelines/

Example DAG demonstrating the usage of the TaskFlow API to execute Python functions natively and within a virtual environment.

import sys
import time

import pendulum

from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.operators.python import is_venv_installed

PATH_TO_PYTHON_BINARY = sys.executable

    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
def example_python_decorator():
    # Generate 5 sleeping tasks, sleeping from 0.0 to 0.4 seconds respectively
    def my_sleeping_function(random_base):
        """This is a function that will run within the DAG execution"""

    for i in range(5):
        sleeping_task = my_sleeping_function.override(task_id=f"sleep_for_{i}")(random_base=i / 10)

    if not is_venv_installed():
        print("The virtalenv_python example task requires virtualenv, please install it.")

            task_id="virtualenv_python", requirements=["colorama==0.4.0"], system_site_packages=False
        def callable_virtualenv():
            Example function that will be performed in a virtual environment.

            Importing at the module level ensures that it will not attempt to import the
            library before it is installed.

            from time import sleep

            from colorama import Back, Fore, Style

            print(Fore.RED + "some red text")
            print(Back.GREEN + "and with a green background")
            print(Style.DIM + "and in dim text")
            for _ in range(4):
                print(Style.DIM + "Please wait...", flush=True)

        virtualenv_task = callable_virtualenv()

        sleeping_task >> virtualenv_task

        @task.external_python(task_id="external_python", python=PATH_TO_PYTHON_BINARY)
        def callable_external_python():
            Example function that will be performed in a virtual environment.

            Importing at the module level ensures that it will not attempt to import the
            library before it is installed.
            import sys
            from time import sleep

            print(f"Running task via {sys.executable}")
            for _ in range(4):
                print("Please wait...", flush=True)

        external_python_task = callable_external_python()

        external_python_task >> virtualenv_task

dag = example_python_decorator()

# Test the pipeline by running 
# python pipelines/
if __name__=="__main__":


# pipelines/

import pendulum

from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.operators.empty import EmptyOperator
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.sensors.external_task import ExternalTaskMarker, ExternalTaskSensor
from datetime import timedelta
from airflow.decorators import task

start_date = pendulum.datetime(2024, 6, 27, 19, 30, tz = "Europe/Moscow")

with DAG(
) as parent_dag:
    parent_task = BashOperator(
        task_id = "parent_task",
        bash_command="echo Run this before! ",

with DAG(
) as child_dag:

    child_task1 = ExternalTaskSensor(

    @task(task_id = "child_task2")
    def run_this_after():
        print("I am running!")
    child_task2 = run_this_after()

    child_task1 >> child_task2

Trigger Dag Run operator

It triggers a DAG run for a specified dag_id.

# pipelines/

import pendulum

from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.operators.trigger_dagrun import TriggerDagRunOperator

with DAG(
    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
) as dag:
    trigger = TriggerDagRunOperator(
        # Ensure this equals the dag_id of the DAG to trigger
# pipelines/

import pendulum

from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

def run_this_func(dag_run=None):
    Print the payload "message" passed to the DagRun conf attribute.

    :param dag_run: The DagRun object
    print("triggerred task!")

with DAG(
    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
) as dag:
    run_this = run_this_func()

    bash_task = BashOperator(
        bash_command='sleep 60 && echo "Run this after the target"'

Info: You can check more DAG examples from here.

Deferrable operators [Extra section]


The following example DAG is scheduled to run every minute between its start_date and its end_date. Every DAG run contains one sensor task that will potentially take up to 20 minutes to complete.

from airflow.decorators import dag
from airflow.sensors.date_time import DateTimeSensor
from pendulum import datetime

    start_date=datetime(2024, 5, 23, 20, 0),
    end_date=datetime(2024, 5, 23, 20, 19),
    schedule="* * * * *",
def sync_dag_2():
        target_time="""{{ macros.datetime.utcnow() + macros.timedelta(minutes=20) }}""",


Note: Using DateTimeSensor, one worker slot is taken up by every sensor that runs.

By using the deferrable version of this sensor, DateTimeSensorAsync, you can achieve full concurrency while freeing up your workers to complete additional tasks across your Airflow environment.

from airflow.decorators import dag
from pendulum import datetime
from airflow.sensors.date_time import DateTimeSensorAsync

    start_date=datetime(2024, 5, 23, 20, 0),
    end_date=datetime(2024, 5, 23, 20, 19),
    schedule="* * * * *",
def async_dag_2():
        target_time="""{{ macros.datetime.utcnow() + macros.timedelta(minutes=20) }}""",


In the previous screenshot, all tasks are shown in a deferred (violet) state. Tasks in other DAGs can use the available worker slots, making the deferrable operator more cost and time-efficient.

Test a pipeline

airflow dags test <dag-id>

This will run the dag only for one time. This is not scheduling dags.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # dag is an instance of DAG

Airflow UI

The Airflow UI makes it easy to monitor and troubleshoot your data pipelines. Here’s a quick overview of some of the features and visualizations you can find in the Airflow UI.

DAGs View

List of the DAGs in your environment, and a set of shortcuts to useful pages. You can see exactly how many tasks succeeded, failed, or are currently running at a glance.

Cluster Activity View

Native Airflow dashboard page into the UI to collect several useful metrics for monitoring your Airflow cluster.

Datasets View

A combined listing of the current datasets and a graph illustrating how they are produced and consumed by DAGs.

Grid View

A bar chart and grid representation of the DAG that spans across time. The top row is a chart of DAG Runs by duration, and below, task instances. If a pipeline is late, you can quickly see where the different steps are and identify the blocking ones.

Graph View

The graph view is perhaps the most comprehensive. Visualize your DAG’s dependencies and their current status for a specific run.

The landing time for a task instance is the delta between the dag run’s data interval end (typically this means when the dag “should” run) and the dag run completion time.


ZenML is an extensible, open-source MLOps framework for creating portable, production-ready machine learning pipelines.

# You do not need to run this if you installed the package from requirements.txt
pip install zenml[server]

This will install ZenML with with the dashboard.

Note that ZenML currently supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. Please make sure that you are using a supported Python version.

Important notes:

Core concepts


Steps are functions annotated with the @step decorator. They represent a single stage to be used in a pipeline.

def step_1() -> str:
    """Returns a string."""
    return "world"

These “step” functions can also have inputs and outputs. For ZenML to work properly, these should preferably be typed.

def step_2(input_data: str, input_data2: str) -> str:
    """Combines the two strings passed in."""
    output = f"{input_data} {input_data2}"
    return output # Output


At its core, ZenML follows a pipeline-based workflow for your projects. A pipeline consists of a series of steps, organized in any order that makes sense for your use case. Pipelines are simple Python functions decorated with @pipeline. It is only allowed to call steps within this function.

def my_pipeline():
    output_step_one = step_1()
    step_2(input_data="hello", input_data2=output_step_one)

The inputs for steps called within a pipeline can either be the outputs of previous steps or alternatively, you can pass in values directly (as long as they’re JSON-serializable).

Executing the Pipeline is as easy as calling the function that you decorated with the @pipeline decorator.

if __name__=="__main__":


Artifacts represent the data that goes through your steps as inputs and outputs and they are automatically tracked and stored by ZenML in the artifact store.


A ZenML pipeline is built in a data-centric way. The outputs and inputs of steps define how steps are connected and the order in which they are executed. Each step should be considered as its very own process that reads and writes its inputs and outputs from and to the artifact store.

A materializer dictates how a given artifact can be written to and retrieved from the artifact store and also contains all serialization and deserialization logic. Whenever you pass artifacts as outputs from one pipeline step to other steps as inputs, the corresponding materializer for the respective data type defines how this artifact is first serialized and written to the artifact store, and then deserialized and read in the next step.

Check this page for more info.

ZenML Example

Here we will build an ETL pipeline to extract the data from the datastore, transform it, validate it, then load it to the feature store.

ETL data pipeline

This pipeline is a typical example of one of the pipelines required for the project. As you can see, you have to write the boilerplate code in src folder/package and here you just call them. Notice the input and output for each step. All the input and ouptut in this pipeline are materialized and versioned in an artifact store (SQLite db file locally).

You should work on building data pipelines using ZenML and Airflow for the project, as follows:

  1. Determine the steps of the pipeline.
  2. Specify the input/output for each step.
  3. For each step, write a function in src/ to perform a single step of the pipeline.
  4. Add test function in tests folder to test each function you added in src/ Test the functions.
  5. Call/Use the functions from src/ in the steps of the pipeline.
  6. Create and call the pipeline.
  7. Run the pipeline using zenml.
    • python pipelines/<>
  8. Schedule and orchestrate the pipeline using Apache Airflow.
    • You can create a Bash operator for running the previous command.
# pipelines/

import pandas as pd
from typing_extensions import Tuple, Annotated
from zenml import step, pipeline, ArtifactConfig
from data import transform_data, extract_data, load_features, validate_transformed_data
from utils import get_sample_version
import os

BASE_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$PROJECTPATH")

def extract()-> Tuple[
    df, version = extract_data(BASE_PATH)

    return df, version

def transform(df: pd.DataFrame)-> Tuple[

    # Your data transformation code
    X, y = transform_data(df)

    return X, y

def validate(X:pd.DataFrame, 

    X, y = validate_transformed_data(X, y)
    return X, y

def load(X:pd.DataFrame, y:pd.DataFrame, version: str)-> Tuple[
    load_features(X, y, version)

    return X, y

def prepare_data_pipeline():
    df, version = extract()
    X, y = transform(df)
    X, y = validate(X, y)
    X, y = load(X, y, version)

if __name__=="__main__":
    run = prepare_data_pipeline()

You can run the pipeline as:

python pipelines/

OR more specific about pipeline selection:

python pipelines/ -prepare_data_pipeline

DEclaring the data types for the input and output of the step functions is important as it determines how the artifact will be materialized and saved in the artifact store.

Explore ZenML Dashboard

Once the pipeline has finished its execution, use the zenml up command to view the results in the ZenML Dashboard. Using that command will open up the browser automatically.

# Make sure that you customized the config folder for ZenML
zenml up

Usually, the dashboard is accessible at ( Log in with the default username “default” (password not required) and see your recently pipeline run.


If you have closed the browser tab with the ZenML dashboard, you can always reopen it by running the following command in your terminal.

zenml show

ZenML Stacks

A stack is the configuration of tools and infrastructure that your pipelines can run on. When you run ZenML code without configuring a stack, the pipeline will run on the so-called default stack.

We can see the separation of code from configuration and infrastructure. A stack consists of multiple components. All stacks have at minimum an orchestrator and an artifact store.

zenml stack describe
zenml stack list


The orchestrator is responsible for executing the pipeline code. In the simplest case, this will be a simple Python thread on your machine. Let’s explore this default orchestrator.

zenml orchestrator list

Artifact store

The artifact store is responsible for persisting the step outputs.

zenml artifact-store list
zenml artifact-store flavor --list

You can use ZenML API to get a specific version of the artifact:

from zenml.client import Client

client = Client()

# data: pd.DataFrame (Materialized data)
data = client.get_artifact_version(name_id_or_prefix="initial_dataframe", version=4).load()

# This will retrieve the version 4 of the artifact named `initial_dataframe`. This name is the same when we defined annotated output for the first step of the previous data pipeline.


Register a new artifact store [extra section]

You can create a new artifact store by running the following command:

zenml artifact-store register my_artifact_store --flavor=local 

You can describe your new artifact store as follows:

zenml artifact-store describe my_artifact_store

Artifact store API

When calling the Artifact Store API, you should always use URIs that are relative to the Artifact Store root path.

import os
from zenml.client import Client
from import fileio

# Artifact Store root path
root_path = Client().active_stack.artifact_store.path

# create a custom artifact and store in artifact store
artifact_contents = "example artifact"
artifact_path = os.path.join(root_path, "artifacts", "examples")
artifact_uri = os.path.join(artifact_path, "test.txt")
with, "w") as f:

Create a local stack [extra section]

With the artifact store created, we can now create a new stack with this artifact store.

zenml stack register my_local_stack -o default -a my_artifact_store

To run a pipeline using the new stack:

  1. set the stack as active on your client
zenml stack set my_local_stack
  1. Run your pipeline code
# Initiates a new run for the pipeline: prepare_data_pipeline
python pipelines/ -prepare_data_pipeline

Manage artifacts in ZenML

ZenML takes a proactive approach to data versioning, ensuring that every artifact—be it data, models, or evaluations—is automatically tracked and versioned upon pipeline execution.

Adding artifacts

ZenML automatically versions all created artifacts using auto-incremented numbering. Yo can use ArtifactConfig to add version and metadata to the artifacts.

from zenml import step, get_step_context, ArtifactConfig
from typing_extensions import Annotated
# below we combine both approaches, so the artifact will get
# metadata and tags from both sources
def training_data_loader() -> (
            run_metadata={"metadata_key": "metadata_value"},
    step_context = get_step_context()
        output_name="artifact_name", metadata={"metadata_key2": "metadata_value2"}
    step_context.add_output_tags(output_name="artifact_name", tags=["tag_name2"])
    return "string"
zenml artifact list
zenml artifact version list
zenml artifact version list --name valid_input_dataframe

Consuming artifacts

Within the pipeline

from uuid import UUID
import pandas as pd
from zenml import step, pipeline
from zenml.client import Client

def process_data(dataset: pd.DataFrame):

def training_pipeline():
    client = Client()
    # Fetch by ID
    dataset_artifact = client.get_artifact_version(

    # Fetch by name alone - uses the latest version of this artifact
    dataset_artifact = client.get_artifact_version(name_id_or_prefix="iris_dataset")

    # Fetch by name and version
    dataset_artifact = client.get_artifact_version(
        name_id_or_prefix="iris_dataset", version="raw_2023"

    # Pass into any step

if __name__ == "__main__":

Outside the pipeline

import numpy as np
from zenml import ExternalArtifact, pipeline, step, save_artifact, load_artifact

def f(df):
    save_artifact(df, name="df_dataframe")

def print_data(data: np.ndarray):

def printing_pipeline():
    # One can also pass data directly into the ExternalArtifact
    # to create a new artifact on the fly
    data = ExternalArtifact(value=np.array([0]))


if __name__ == "__main__":

Schedule ZenML pipelines using Airflow

We can run the ZenML pipelines (pipelines/ by simply running it as follows:

python pipelines/ -prepare_data_pipeline

We can consider this as a bash command and use BashOperator or @task.bash to run the pipeline as follows:


# REPLACE <project-folder-path>
zenml_pipeline = BashOperator(
        bash_command="python <project-folder-path>/services/airflow/dags/ -prepare_data_pipeline ",
        cwd="<project-folder-path>/project", # specifies the current working directory

Do not run the ZenML pipeline by simply calling the pipeline function using a PythonOperator.

Feast [Extra section]

Feast is a standalone, open-source feature store that organizations use to store and serve features consistently for offline training and online inference. Feast allows to:

Note: Feast today primarily addresses timestamped structured data.

Note: If your data in the dataframe does not have timestamps, you need to create dummy timestamps and add them to the dataframe in order to persist it in the feature store.

Core concepts

The top-level namespace within Feast is a project. Users define one or more feature views within a project. Each feature view contains one or more features. These features typically relate to one or more entities. A feature view must always have a data source, which in turn is used during the generation of training datasets and when materializing feature values into the online store.

Install feast

# You do not need to run this if you installed the package from requirements.txt
pip install feast

Note: feast 0.36.0+ may work with Windows but it has conflicts with other packages in our toolset. The earlier versions of feast usually do not work on Windows. If you try to run, you may see such errors fcntl module not found. Windows users are working on Ubuntu WSL2 and no issues will be encountered I presume.


Here we will build a local feature store to store the ML-ready dataset.

1. Create a feature repository

# Create a directory for feast metadata
mkdir -p services/feast

# Access the folder
# cd services/feast

# feast_project should be a name and they do not support path
feast -c services/feast init -t local -m feast_project

# Access the feast repo
cd feast_project/feature_repo

The repo has feature_store.yaml which contains a demo setup configuring where data sources are.

2. Configure the feature repository

The configuration of the feature repository is in the location services\feast\feast_project\feature_repo\feature_store.yaml. We can configure it as follows:

project: feast_project
registry: registry.db
provider: local
    type: sqlite
    path: online_store.db
    type: file
entity_key_serialization_version: 2

The following top-level configuration options exist in the feature_store.yaml file.

3. Run sample workflow

# Add two columns
# The timestamp and an id to reconize each row in the dataframe

from feast import (
from feast.types import Int32, Float32
import os
from utils import init_hydra

BASE_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$PROJECTPATH")

cfg = init_hydra()

PATH = cfg.features_path

entity_df = Entity(

source = FileSource(
                path = PATH,

view = FeatureView(
    name = "bank_data_feature_views",
    # schema=

# This groups features into a feature service
# We will use it for versioning
bank_records = FeatureService(
    name="bank_data_features" + "_" + cfg.features_version,
# services/feast/feast_repo/feature_repo/

from utils import init_hydra

cfg = init_hydra()
REPO_PATH = cfg.feature_store_path

store = FeatureStore(repo_path=REPO_PATH)

entity_df = Entity(

training_df = store.get_historical_features(

print("----- Feature schema -----\n")

print("----- Example features -----\n")
# services/feast/feast_repo/feature_repo/

# Make sure that you access the feature repo folder

# cd services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo/
# feast apply
# OR
feast -c services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo apply

4. Browse your features with the Feast Web UI

You can access the Feast Web UI via running the following command:

feast -c services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo ui

The server by default runs on port 8888.

Project tasks

Note: The project tasks are graded, and they form the practice part of the course. We have tasks for repository and as well as for report (for Master’s student).

A. Repository

  1. Build an automated workflow (pipelines/ in Apache Airflow to perform the following 4 tasks. The workflow should be scheduled to run every 5 minutes (increase the time if your DAG run takes more than 5 minutes). This pipeline should be atomic such that if a single task/step fails, then all of the tasks/steps fail (default case in Apache Airflow).
    • Extract a new sample of the data.
      • You can use the functions you defined in phase 1.
    • Validate the sample using Great Expectations.
      • You can use the functions you defined in phase 1.
    • Version the sample using dvc.
      • You can use the scripts you defined in phase 1.
      • keep the version number of this data in a file ./configs/data_version.yaml.
    • Load the sample to the data store (remote storage of dvc repository in the local filesystem).
      • You can use the scripts you defined in phase 1.
  2. Build an ETL pipeline (pipelines/ using ZenML. The data pipeline consists of 4 tasks as follows:
    • Extract the data sample from the data store.
      • Write a function read_datastore in src/ which returns the sample as a dataframe/tensor.
      • Get the version number of this data from a file ./configs/data_version.yaml.
      • Send to the next step, the dataframe and data version.
    • Transform the data sample into features.
      • Write a function preprocess_data in src/ which transforms the input data sample into features and returns them as a dataframe/tensor.
      • Send to the next step, the dataframe (X, y).
    • Validate the features.
      • Build a new expectation suite for the features.
      • Create expectations to validate all features. One expectation type applied on one or more features but we should run expecatations on all features. For example, you can expect one hot encoding columns to be 0 or 1.
      • Create a batch request where the data asset is a pandas dataframe. Do not forget that here the pipeline tasks are exchanging data and not only metadata.
      • Create a checkpoint to check the validitiy of the features.
      • Write a function validate_features in src/ to validate the features by running the checkpoint.
      • Send to the next step, the dataframe (X, y).
    • Load the features.
      • Create a function load_features in src/ to do as follows.
        • Load and version the features X and the target y in artifact store of ZenML.
        • Use zenml.save_artifact method with a name like features_target or X_y and same version as the data sample version. Here we will use the custom versions as tags, and let ZenML automatically increments the version.
          import zenml
          # save the artifact as follows:
          # df is your dataframe
          # name is the artifact name
          # version is your custom version (set it to tags)
          # I did not set `version` argument since I want an automatic versioning
          zenml.save_artifact(data = df, name = "features_target", tags=[version])
          from zenml.client import Client
          client = Client()
          # We can retrieve our artifact with a specific custom version `v5` as follows:
          l = client.list_artifact_versions(name="features_target", tag="v5", sort_by="version").items
          # Descending order
          # l here is a list of items and l[0] will retrieve the latest version of the artifact
          df = l[0].load() # pd.DataFrame
      • Ensure that you can retrieve your version from ZenML store. (Use zenml.load_artifact)
      • [optional task related to Feast] Persist the features (X, y) in a parquet file data/processed/features.parquet.
  3. Create a DAG (pipelines/ to run the previous ZenML pipeline when all the tasks in data extraction pipeline (pipelines/ are successful (use ExternalTaskSensor) and then (load the features to a feature store if you prefer (optional)). If the first pipeline is failed then we should not run the second pipeline. This DAG will ensure the automataion of data preparation. The DAG should be scheduled to run every 5 minutes (same schedule as first pipeline). This pipeline should be atomic such that if a single task/step fails, then all of the tasks/steps fail. The tasks here are:
    • An external task sensor to wait for completion of first pipeline (data extraction.
    • A Bash task to run the ZenML pipeline.
    • [Optional task] Load the features to a feature store (parquet file as a data source).
      • Create a file source and read the features from the parquet file.
      • Add timestamp, id fields to the dataframe (X, y). If your data has timestamp field, then you can use it.
      • Create an offline feature view with defined schema.
      • Create a feature service to retrieve all features.
      • Check if you can retrieve features from the offline store.
        Note: Notice that this source code should be added to the folder where feature repo is initialized (e.g. services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo/ in my case) and you can run this source code by executing a command line as follows:
      feast -c services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo apply
      Note: You can visualize the change in the feature repo by going to the feast dashboard:
      feast -c services/feast/feast_project/feature_repo ui
  4. For each function/method you wrote/defined in src folder, write at least one test function in tests folder and test your modules/classes/functions.
  5. Make sure that you push your changes to Github for submission.

Important note:
Do not write the business logic code in dag definition files in pipelines folder. You should write them in src folder in src/ module, then you can call them from pipelines folder when you create dags. This is true for all pipelines (Airflow and ZenML). You should introduce the code in src for regular testing (pytest). You can test pipelines using airflow dags test subcommand.

Info: ZenML actually versions the artifacts and store them in a local store in the file system. So for this project, we do not need to use a special feature store as it will add more unnecessary complexity. It is good to mention that Feast does not have a versioning feature and you need to do so using other tools like dvc whereas other feature store tools such as featureform may support versioning but we will not cover it in this project.

B. Report [Only for Master’s students]

Complete the following chapters:
